"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. So here's a thing I'm looking forward to: Deception's Princess, by Esther Friesner (Random House, 22 April 2014).
Maeve wishes she were born a boy. Headstrong and fearless, she would be
the heir her father, the High King, deserves. Instead she is the
youngest of five daughters and will eventually be shipped off into
fosterage and then used as a pawn to make her father's kingdom stronger
with her marriage. Frustrated, she turns to trickery and bad behavior
until no family will foster her and no well-bred son will marry her. But
is that what she really wants? How did she find herself wrapped up in
so many lies? It's time for Maeve to tell her story . . . the true story.
Cover and description from Fantastic Fiction.
I've been meaning for a while now to try Esther Friesner's Princesses of Myth series, and this one drawn from Irish myth sounds like it would be right up my alley. (It doesn't hurt that this cover makes Maeve look a lot like Merida from Brave.)