"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. So here's a thing I'm looking forward to: Sold for Endless Rue, by Madeleine E. Robins (from Forge Books, May 14, 2013).
After a blighted childhood, young Laura finds peace and purpose in the
home of a midwife and healer. Later, she enrolls in Salerno's famed
medical school - the first in the world to admit women. Laura and her
adoptive mother hope that Laura can build a bridge between
women's herbal healing and the new science of medicine developing
in thirteenth century Italy.
The hardest lessons are those of love; Laura falls hard for a fellow student who abandons her for a wealthy wife. Worse, her mother rejects her as "impure." Shattered, Laura devotes herself to her work, becoming a respected medico. But her heart is still bitter, and when she sees a chance for revenge, she grabs it - and takes for her own Bieta, the newborn daughter of a woman whose husband regularly raided the physician's garden for bitter herbs to satisfy his pregnant wife's cravings.
Determined to protect her adored daughter from the ravages of the world, Laura isolates the young woman in a tower. Bieta, as determined as her mother, escapes, and finds adventure - and love - on the streets of Salerno.
The hardest lessons are those of love; Laura falls hard for a fellow student who abandons her for a wealthy wife. Worse, her mother rejects her as "impure." Shattered, Laura devotes herself to her work, becoming a respected medico. But her heart is still bitter, and when she sees a chance for revenge, she grabs it - and takes for her own Bieta, the newborn daughter of a woman whose husband regularly raided the physician's garden for bitter herbs to satisfy his pregnant wife's cravings.
Determined to protect her adored daughter from the ravages of the world, Laura isolates the young woman in a tower. Bieta, as determined as her mother, escapes, and finds adventure - and love - on the streets of Salerno.
I'm familiar with the author from her Sarah Tolerance novels, interesting little mysteries set in a sort of alternative Regency period. This one sounds very much like a retelling of a fairy tale that isn't as popular with modern authors as some others, so I'm intrigued.